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Zeiss Eyepieces
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From the most common to the most rare…

Modern eyepieces (after about end of ‘60)

Between modern eyepieces Carl Zeiss Jena and Carl Zeiss ones are probably the most valued ones, considered having very good optical performances especially in the planetary field. Only few other eyepieces series like TMB Mono, AP SPL, Nikon Nav and few others are considered at the same premium level – and reach similar prices on the market.

Carl Zeiss ZAO I and ZAO II are sold today at more than 2.000 Euros for the complete set (of 4 eyepieces only – around 500 Euros each), and the sorter focal lengths of CZJ Orthos are sold at more (sometimes many more) than 300 Euros each.

Carl Zeiss Jena modern series

Carl Zeiss Jena eyepieces of the most recent series are characterized in general by a brass or aluminum barrel, and a black straight top with a ring made by Bakelite.

“Alu” version

Most recent CZJ eyepieces are the ones with aluminum barrel, and can be easily recognized because they are lighter than the brass ones, and for a writing that on the longer focal lengths (from 10-O onwards) is on the black part of the eyepiece’s body with a letter (indicating optical design, ie. “O” for Orthoscopic, “H” for Huygens and “M” for Monocentric), and a number, indicating focal length. Normally the writing is oriented vertically, and in the Alu ones is quite big (see pictures). Shorter focal lengths (4-O, 6-O and 8-O) have writings on the top of black eyepiece’s body, and in Alu versions is with a larger lettering that in the Brass ones.

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